New zones are to be adopted as an emergency measure near schools and highly populated areas where hemp cannot be planted. It’s been legalized and will bring millions into Ventura County, but some people don’t like the smell. Only the smell of fresh fertilized fields will be permitted.

If the new proposal by the Ventura County Board of Supervisors is passed it will take effect early next year. This will require half-mile buffer zones around multiple cities in the Ventura County area that contain schools.

Homeowners and city officials are among the angry protesters of the newly legalized commercial product. They hate the “skunk like” smell.

The Industrialized hemp growers don’t agree. Some feel it is a plan to destroy the farmers and has nothing to do with the children or homeowners. Limiting the restrictions with a one size fits all “half-mile” restriction isn’t fair. The ordinance should consider environmental conditions such as wind. These conditions change and may affect the terrible smell of hemp.

The Farm Bureau of Ventura County is working with the Ventura County Board of Supervisors to add exemptions for growers with greenhouses.